Bouncy Bear Curriculum
Why have we got a Bouncy Bear curriculum?
The Early Years Foundation Stage changes from September 2021. There is now an emphasis on providers to develop their own curriculum.
Early Years settings had to decide what we wanted the children in the setting to learn and the best ways to teach this. This would become our curriculum.
How did we create the Bouncy Bear curriculum?
We understand that parents are the child’s first educator. That is why we sent out surveys to parents asking for feedback to help us develop a curriculum which reflected their views.
We also asked our carers to include what they wanted to see in the Bouncy Bear curriculum. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience which was important to see in the curriculum.
From the results of these surveys we developed a new 5 strand curriculum.
They make a layered approach to learning which results in repetition and applying learning in different ways and contexts to achieve mastery of learning goals.
Our 5 strand curriculum consists of Theme, Communication and Language, Progress Ladder, Independence and Values.
The Theme teaches children more about the world in which they live. It may be focused on:
· a specific event or topic – such as Chinese New Year, Carnival or Mud Day
· children’s interests – such as dinosaurs, space or mini beasts
· or children’s needs – such as sports to develop their physical skills.
Communication and Language
Communication and language activities happen daily at Bouncy Bear and consist of stories, rhymes, singing, poems, conversations, phonics programs and letters and sounds activities.
Progress Ladder
The Progress Ladder is an opportunity for children to progress developmentally towards an aspirational target. It breaks down the learning objection into a sequence of developmental steps, which the children, with adult support work through over the half term. Progress Ladders are a way for every child to work towards a common goal with adult support and time to develop the necessary skills needed. The emphasis is on repetition and mastery of this goal rather than rushing through the stages.
We know independent learners are more likely to be life long learners who are curious and motivated to learn on their own. We are focused on encouraging children to become more independent at Bouncy Bear to help raise their self esteem and ensure they feel confident that they can achieve their goals and also know when they need to seek support.
We will be encouraging independence in ways like cleaning up after themselves, choosing their own foods and putting on their own clothes and much more.
Parents and Carers gave us a list of values they would like to see the children exhibit such as caring for animals, kindness, bravery, confidence, playing with others, playing independently, being kind to themselves, positive self-image etc.
We will be choosing one or more of the values highlighted by the parents and supporting children to not only demonstrate them but believe in them.
In Summary
The Bouncy Bear curriculum, what we teach, is made up of five strands.
The Theme
Communication and Language
Progress Ladders
© Copyright 2010 - 2024 Bouncy Bear Childcare, Day Care and Pre-School in Wellington, Somerset Registered with OFSTED Hosted by NurseryWeb (FootfallCam Company) |